Wednesday 17 October 2007

Mugabe's new "CIO" Hit-Team!?!

Wow, there is so much hatred in this cyber-world!! I've only blogged for 3 weeks and already I've got all the crazies coming out the wood work to spew hate, make threats and generally show the real racism that exists in our society! As I sit here in my humble Highfields abode, I've had 10 or so emails about how I am part of the dreaded "CIO"... how I'm a "Mugabe Crony" etc etc... Wow, for people who claim to have fled, 'tyranny,' to relocate in so-called Western 'democracys,' many seem to have a real problem with someone holding a view point different to the "Rhodie" or "BBC" status-co!

Click here to read some of them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mugabe is the africa's most couragious leader. Let all of us help him to liberate africa from the colonial western powers. Let the western leave us alone!