Wednesday 24 October 2007

Mugabe, Dr James Watson and a 'Nigga'

With all this hype in America concerning use of the 'N-word' in mainstream media, does today's African/Negro actually have a clue as to what their position is in all this this debate? In that light, and following all that other noise, in response to that gene dude, Doctor Watson's recent comments to the press, I received this most interesting article indeed via email. This is THE TRUTH... Something I feel every person of Negro/African origin should read. I recommend making some proper time to comprehensively go through it.

Africans arise!

""Well, the smiley guy above, Dr James Watson, (who's a Nobel Prize winning genetic scientist by the way.., a pioneers in DNA science apparently,) caused quite a stir last week. All sides of the PC brigade, including the perennially pissed Black Activists & etc, were up in arms, fighting to stuff the proverbial gag down the old buggers throat. The rage was in response to a scientific, 'observation,' our Dr Watson is said to have made... Basically, he felt that, all objective research he's had access to in his career, leaves him convinced of the fact that, the Negro race is less intelligent than its Caucasoid counterpart...


Wednesday 17 October 2007

Mugabe's new "CIO" Hit-Team!?!

Wow, there is so much hatred in this cyber-world!! I've only blogged for 3 weeks and already I've got all the crazies coming out the wood work to spew hate, make threats and generally show the real racism that exists in our society! As I sit here in my humble Highfields abode, I've had 10 or so emails about how I am part of the dreaded "CIO"... how I'm a "Mugabe Crony" etc etc... Wow, for people who claim to have fled, 'tyranny,' to relocate in so-called Western 'democracys,' many seem to have a real problem with someone holding a view point different to the "Rhodie" or "BBC" status-co!

Click here to read some of them!!

Some Racists, and a Coon for good measure!

Interesting mini-documentary!!

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Mugabe seems to be Right about Sanctions..!

Just finished reading a quite interesting examination of the sanctions situation in Zimbabwe. Check it out;

Zimbabwe: The MDC Must Renounce the Sanctions

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Mugabe blaming non-existent Sanctions!?!?

It seems some of the Coons on the Oppressor's paycheck, have activated an attempt to suppress the real facts, about the nature of the sanctions Zimbabwe has been under. For the benefit of all, here is a link to an official US government site, on which you can personally examine the ZIDERA Act of 2001;

the Zimbabwe, "Democracy," and Economic, "Recovery," Act of 2001)

Coon of the Moment

Here I was, sitting, enjoying my wife's Sunday dinner, flicking between the numerous crap "24 hr news" stations (btw: which just loop the same 10min news for 24hrs), when suddenly I almost choked on my chicken! I see this Zimbabwean "Journalist" on Date Line (BBC 24) talking the most incredible coony type of trash.

Mugabe V Elizabeth... Round 2 - Lancaster House Battle

We have established that, the Oppressors, stole the Second Chimurenga's victory, from the People, via Political force. The time and place of the Oppressors' historic second victory was 21 December 1979. The instrument of the victory was the Political, "agreement," that was reached, the Lancaster House Constitution.

Mugabe & Dodgy Football Politics

Zimbabwe is a country at war. Though many have said the land issue is Chimurenga 3, a new war.., the fact is that today's situation is a continuation of a problem Zimbabweans were tricked into thinking had gone away.

Monday 1 October 2007

Mugabe speech at the UN!!

The Speech all the Western Media outlets refused to screen, chosing to screen Bumbling Bush instead!!