Monday 24 December 2007

Mugabe's Motives..? The History of Land Violence in Zimbabwe

Well, for those of you that are actually interested in understanding the background to Mugabe's recent antics, (beyond the 'just another mad African dictator,' common 'wisdom,') here is a well researched paper on the history of Zimbabwe's land situation. It seems Mugabe maybe right about this land thing as well...


Anonymous said...

Look at where the author works! Impartial ... no.

I do not condone the events in Rhodesia during the 19th and early 20th centuries, but is it right to 'visit the sins of the father[s]' upon their children ... no.

It is also worth noting that Rhodesia was an independant state, NOT governed by England as people [Mugabe & Zanu PF] commonly claim, maybe they should've STUDIED some history.

Did land need to be redistributed ... yes.

But to who? What happens when it is given to those without the knowledge of how to use it?

Zimibabwe had the highest life expectancy, best education system and most food production per head in Africa until 1982. Then what happened? Power - corruption - ill thought out redistribution of wealth - financial mismanagment followed by denial and squandering of resources.

Tell me, where exactly was Mugabe right here. I think, he started of with good ideas and wanted to do good. But his corruption has lead to the displacment of 3 - 800,000 people and the deaths of 10,000s (directly), I wouldn't like to think of the indirect figures.

Genocide is never right, systematic spreading of AIDS and abuse of human rights is never right.

Just to leave you with one thought ... Mugabe actually compared himself to Hitler ...

Burn in Hell Bob.

Anonymous said...

Well, pre-Mugabe you had more than enough food, you exported it!

The sanctions are economic ... it was Zanu PF who blocked the food aid.

So who's fault is this?

Try to engage your brain, see through the clumsy propaganda, figure out what is worng, and maybe something can be done.

Anonymous said...

MuGarbage and his generals are starving, beating, burning, killing, raping, intimidating people of all walks of life in Zimbabwe this goons blog is a hypercritical insight in the way these peoples' peabrains function…

They are desperate murderers driven by fear of their own party ZANU PF. For 28 years they have managed to destroy the economy of Zimbabwe and now they are destroying the social structure of the country.

These people are utterly disgusting and inhuman.

If you would like to see some of the gruesome truth of the barbarism you can see some real info on these sites:

Please do all you can to undermine these zanu pf supporter… they are murderous creatures.

If you meet one near you please give his name to the police and his where abouts as many of them are responsible for crimes agains humanity.

They really need to be stopped now!