Wednesday 24 October 2007

Mugabe, Dr James Watson and a 'Nigga'

With all this hype in America concerning use of the 'N-word' in mainstream media, does today's African/Negro actually have a clue as to what their position is in all this this debate? In that light, and following all that other noise, in response to that gene dude, Doctor Watson's recent comments to the press, I received this most interesting article indeed via email. This is THE TRUTH... Something I feel every person of Negro/African origin should read. I recommend making some proper time to comprehensively go through it.

Africans arise!

""Well, the smiley guy above, Dr James Watson, (who's a Nobel Prize winning genetic scientist by the way.., a pioneers in DNA science apparently,) caused quite a stir last week. All sides of the PC brigade, including the perennially pissed Black Activists & etc, were up in arms, fighting to stuff the proverbial gag down the old buggers throat. The rage was in response to a scientific, 'observation,' our Dr Watson is said to have made... Basically, he felt that, all objective research he's had access to in his career, leaves him convinced of the fact that, the Negro race is less intelligent than its Caucasoid counterpart...



Anonymous said...

Ok i'll tell you the truth about this.
Right yes i'm white (madeterain jewish,iberian,other).
Ok there is about a 6000 to 30000 year genetic difference between me and an adverage noth african cousin of mine.
Intelligence wise my groups adopted a more deceptive language and stole power from egypt that way and he decended into enhancing his natural language. Ok both of us during times have lightley had Diet struggles which again has effected our intelligence and the DNA protine areas this guys refering to is where long term intake of milk has effected us which is what hes claiming to be the all wonderful thing with his low melanin content reasonable silver content but low gold and copper potentially iron.
His mind is less able to eveolve yet probably such that dna is most wanting to in human form.
As for this organics electronics technology the crystalisation processes in the brain relative to this are so hard to calculate he couldent possiblly know much about that with any accuracy down there in a world of high sophistication at below 5nm

Anonymous said...

Mugabe, Dr James Watson

These guys are just the same except in different shapes.

From Zimbabwe.

By the way Mugabe is gonna be out now since we were voting today.

cybergrace said...

Wow, I am very impressed with anonymousness's impressive spelling and equally great intelligence... I pity your child.